As a guest, please read this small print of AMSTEL BeachHouse if you want to know more about booking conditions, cancellation policy, privacy, etc.
You can book directly via the booking form on this site. When you enter the dates and persons you will be redirected to the payment page. Payment is made via PayPal. Paypal is a secure online bank that allows you to send and receive money by using the email address of the person or company you want to transfer money to. If this is a problem, we can also pay by credit card.
In the unlikely event that your plans change and you have to cancel your reservation, we will refund you as follows:
– 100% refund (minus a 50 Euro administration fee) if the cancellation is made 2 months or more in advance.
– 50% of the payment will be refunded if canceled from two months to 14 days before arrival date.
– 20% of the payment will be refunded if canceled 7-14 days before the arrival date.
– No refund if canceled within 6 days of arrival. No refund if your stay is shortened after arrival.
We accept no liability for any loss, injury or damage suffered by you, or any member of your family, or guests, during your stay. We accept no responsibility for property left on the premises. We do not insure household contents in the apartments. Contents insurance is recommended.
force majeure
In case of force majeure, the maximum compensation we can offer is the amount paid for the apartment.
AMSTEL BeachHouse is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 69848661. We owe VAT, tourist tax and other taxes (all of which are included in the published rates during the booking process).